2016-2024- $2000 each year for M2M volunteer efforts
2023 - $5000 toward new compressor
2015 - facilitated grant of gear
2014 - accounting and bookkeeping services
2011 - $10,000 grant for operation
Marathon Fire Department is a volunteer organization. To be a volunteer/member, one applies and goes through training, then becomes a voting member. Officers are elected by the volunteers. The Fire Dpt. has a weekly meeting every Monday at 6:00 pm at the fire station. All are welcome!
Fire Dpt. volunteers are also trained for ECA (Emergency Care Assistant) certification.
The Fire Dpt. is becoming certified for NIMS (National Incident Management System.) This is a communication system used by first responders in the case of an emergency and is also used for events like the annual M2M (marathon to Marathon.)
The Fire Dpt. has several fundraisers - West Fest, Cabrito Cook-Off, 4th of July Garage Sale and part of M2M.
In case of a fire, call 911. That call goes into the Brewster County Sheriff's office who immediately dispatches the call to the volunteer fire fighters in Marathon.
Fire Chief - Brad Wilson - 432-386-5414 -
109 NE 2nd St.
P.O. Box 365
Marathon, Texas 79842