Grant History
2025 - Funding provided for 4 scholarship students
- $2000 to supported 4 students in 4H livestock show
- $2384 to MISD for faculty additional certification, courtesy of restricted gift
2024 - Funded 8 scholarship students, new or continuing scholarships
- $15,000 to support operations of Marathon Health Clinic
- $10,000 to support meals on wheels for senior citizens via Sunshine House
- $2000 support for students in Big Bend Livestock show (4H)
- $3200 to Marathon Public Library to support hydroponics class
- $2,000 to support Marathon Volunteer Fire Dept for their work on M2M
- pledge of $6,000 to MISD to support teacher certification
- pledge of approximately $60,000 to support new faculty housing for MISD
- pledge of $100,000 (of which 1/3 was paid in 2024) to support construction of new Marathon public library building
2023 - Funded three new scholarship students
- $15,000 grant of operating funds for the Marathon Health Center
- $3000 support for students in Big Bend Livestock Show (4H)
- $5000 support to Big Bend Pets for spay/neutering program in Marathon
- $2000 to Marathon Volunterr Fire department to support their help in M2M
- $5000 to Marathon Volunteer Fire Department to support purchase of compressor
- $18,000 to Marathon ISD including support to install A/C system
-$2000 for Marathon Animal Shelter
2022 - Funded three new students in the scholarship program
- $3000 support for students for Livestock Show (4H)
- $15,000 grant of operating funds for the Marathon Health Center
2021 - Funded three new students in the scholarship program
- $10,200 Big Bend Pets for a spay/neuter release cat program
- $2000 Marathon Volunteer Fire Dpt.
- $2000 Marathon ISD
- $2000 to support students for Livestock Show (4H)
- $2280 EMR training for deputies and locals
- $6000 in operating funds to Marathon Health Center
2020 - Funded four students in the scholarship program
- $10,910 grant to Sunshine House to provide Marathon seniors Meals on Wheels
- Received generous directed gift of $10,000 for a Marathon only spay/neuter program for feral cats
2019 - Three students in the scholarship program
- $4000 contribution to School and Fire Dpt. for volunteer efforts on M2M
- $24,250 grant for MISD elementary playground
- $2300 to MISD
2018 - three students in the scholarship program
- Awarded $8000 scholarships to each of three MISD graduates
- Funding for the MISD school lunch program
- Matching grants of $4373 to MISD and the Marathon Volunteer Fire Dpt. for M2M fundraiser
2017 - four students in the scholarship program
- Continuing support of the MISD school lunch program
- $8000 in wildcard scholarships for student / teacher continuing education
- $10,000 grant in partnership with a $60,000 from Permian Basin Area Foundation and the
Stillwater Foundation for the Marathon Colts (PreK) new building
- $1735 grant to Marathon Public Library for continuing education
2016 - $18,745 continuing support for MISD school lunch program
- Our first college graduates from the TMF college scholarship fund! Congratulations
to Zach Gonzales, Omar Grano, Micella Grano and Krystal Aguilar. Krystal will continue
for her Masters Degree!
- $10,000 grant to start the 3 and 4 year old program at MISD - Colts Program
- Interim loan to Marathon Volunteer Fire Dpt to bridge work required by a grant award
2015 - Pledge and support of a research telescope project to complement the public observing
telescope currently operating in Marathon
- Support of MISD school lunch program
-$8000 scholarships awarded to two MISD graduates Timothy Roberts and Audrey Galindo
. - Continuation of support for the MISD school lunch program
- Facilitated the donation of much needed bunker gear for the Marathon Volunteer Fire Dpt.
2014 - $500 each for continuing scholarship to five college MISD graduates, Omar Grano, Zach Gonzales, Krystal Aguilar, Micella Grano, Elizabeth Grano
- $2700 to Post Park for an aerator for the pond
- MISD scholarships raised from $4000 to $8000. Oscar Ureste is the first recipient
-Funded a marketing campaign for MISD
2013 - $500 each for continuing scholarship to two college MISD graduates, Omar Grano, Zach Gonzales
- $3353 Equipment Grant for Marathon Primary Care Service
- Funds provided to MISD students and chaperone to attend the Airport Camp in San 
- $4000 Scholarship awards to three MISD graduating seniors ($500 per semester), Krystal Aguilar, Micella Grano, Elizabeth Hernandez
- $12,000 Grant to Marathon Library to support operations
- Faculty signing bonus at MISD
- $500 each for continuing scholarship to five college MISD graduates, Omar Grano, Zach Gonzales, Krystal Aguilar, Micella Grano, Elizabeth Hernandez
2012 - $14,000 Bonus granted to all faculty and staff at MISD ($1000 each) to be paid in the 

- $325 to Texas Cultural Trust to underwrite their "Adventure in the Arts" book distribution to the MISD elementary school
- TMF's FIRST SCHOLARSHIP! $4000 awarded to each college-enrolled graduate of
MISD who have attended ll four years of high school. First recipients are Vicki Ureste, Omar Grano
- MISD Teacher of the Year Award $2000
- Faculty signing bonus at MISD
- $500 each for continuing scholarship to two college MISD graduates, Omar Grano, Zach Gonzales
- funding of administration for the Marathon to Marathon race...the M2M
- $26,000 Grant for funding of back up generator for Marathon Water Service Co-op
2011 - $4000 college scholarship program approved for graduating seniors of MISD -$5000 paid to MISD for the superintendent's discretionary funds (details of expenditures
include purchase of "big books" for elementary school)
-$12,000 signing bonus for three new teachers of MISD - - $24,000 awarded to MISD for one time faculty bonuses
-$4000 awarded to MISD for technology improvements and a new server
-$2000 for a MISD Teacher of the Year award, presented in the fall based on nominations
from students, parents and colleagues
-$10,000 operating funds to the Marathon Volunteer Fire Department
-$5000 to Marathon Health Clinic for equipment
-$44,000 to Marathon ISD for refurbishment of elementary school playground and
planting of a tree - complete May 2012 below budget!